Kara Barber, 5th grade teacher at McLean School, smiles at the camera sitting next to fountain

Grade 5Kara Barber

My Story

I moved to DC after graduating with my BA in English and Educational Studies from Colgate University and immediately fell in love with this area. I stayed here to pursue my Master’s in teaching, receiving my MA in Special Education from American University. At American, I was surrounded by faculty, colleagues, and students who inspired me to figure out new, creative ways to teach material. I worked at a private school for students with learning differences and saw firsthand that students who have struggled in school have simply struggled to learn in the way that they were taught. As a teacher, I believe it is my job to teach to my students’ unique strengths and challenges. That is why I am grateful to be part of the McLean community, where I feel supported to embrace the individual talents and learning of each of my students.

When I’m not in the classroom I love to spend time with my friends and family, usually over some good Italian food or too many baked goods. I enjoy running, traveling, hiking, cooking, and attending all types of DC sporting events.