A Mindful Community
A Mindful Community
Being Available for LearningMindfulness
At McLean, we have long appreciated that the stressors students experience in school can interfere with learning, and in some situations make it nearly impossible. We are a nationally recognized leader in the field of Mindfulness Education – a scientific and skills-based program that increases one’s awareness of thoughts, feelings, and surroundings to calm the nervous system, reduce stress, and increase focus in school and in life.
McLean’s Mindfulness practice is integrated into all we do, and “notice, shift, rewire” is a common refrain among students, teachers, staff – and parents, too!
In addition to structured lessons, a rotating school-wide theme helps focus attention on the foundational principles of the practice such as gratitude, positive thinking, and empathy.
But we don’t just talk about it — students are accessing these skills every day, from the playing field to test preparation. It’s all part of our commitment to the whole child — because we believe there’s more to a great education than rich academics alone.
Mindfulness helps students tap into who they are and what they need. In the short run, it creates a feeling of ‘I got this.’ In the long term, it develops competence, strength, and resilience.

It is our hope that this book will help educators and students across the country and abroad. It is rooted in research and years of experience at McLean. Although written for educators in the classroom, activities in this guide can easily be adapted for use by students, parents, and siblings at home. Like other parts of McLean’s program, Mindfulness at McLean prepares students not only for school, but also for college and life.
Parents who are interested in learning more about the benefits of Mindfulness and how to incorporate it at home should contact the K-12 Director of Equity, Inclusion & Social-Emotional Learning, Michelle Belton.
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It’s totally helped….with everything in my life. With a minute of mindful breathing, I don’t blank out during a test. I’m totally focused and the answers come back. And during my last volleyball match I took a mindful pause instead of getting angry when we lost.