I have always been fascinated with young minds and how children view the world: they often have a perception of life beyond their years! I started off as an elementary school educator in Buenos Aires, Argentina and in the more than ten years I was there, it formed the way I viewed education and how children learned. I got to teach wonderful students with a wide range of strengths, abilities . . . . . and uniquenesses, too! Coupled with my experience of being part of a different culture during a very transitional time in Argentine history (a dictatorship, a war, and the return to democracy), those years shaped who I am today, both as a person and as an educator. After starting up two small businesses (preschool and educational travel), I moved to the United States and was introduced to McLean School through a friend. I was fascinated by the concept of a school entirely devoted to bright students with unique minds. I never dreamed that one day I would work here and also get to experience first hand the “magic” of McLean and how it enriches families’ lives. My spouse and I are proud McLean School Alumni Parents of Maia Shannon ’10! When I walked through the doors in 1997 to work in the Development Office, I felt I had arrived “home.” Now, as Co-Director of Communications and Marketing, I get to merge my love of our mission with the opportunity to tell others about the “magic” of McLean! My other distractions when I’m not at McLean? . . . the beauty of Islamic art, landscape design, and eating my way through the world with friends and family!