
MathDr. Lilian Johnson

My Story

I have always been curious about the world around us, from the materials everything is made up of to the math that helps explain its motion. As a high school student, I most enjoyed math and science and decided to study engineering. I earned a BS in Chemical Engineering from the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, and a PhD in Chemical Engineering from Cornell University. For the past five years, I pursued a career in materials science research, where I had the opportunity to mentor student interns in their own research projects. I was inspired by each student intern’s passion and motivation, and I enjoyed teaching them how to conduct research and working with them to analyze their results. This experience led me to McLean School where I am excited to work with students daily and create an empowering learning environment for each student. I look forward to sharing with my students how math connects to our everyday lives. Outside the classroom, I enjoy knitting, gardening, and spending time with friends, family, and my two cats.