Community Education Series
Mindfulness, a Pathway to Experiencing Hope
Mindfulness Strategies to Increase Awareness and Feelings of Hope During Times of Uncertainty and Loss
Mick Neustadt
Certified Mindfulness Teacher
Wednesday, March 24
7:00 pm
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Mick Neustadt is a certified mindfulness teacher and psychotherapist in the Washington DC area. He has been practicing mindfulness for 25 years. For the past decade, Mick has taught mindfulness to people of all ages in weekly groups, schools, and retreats. He works with the Mindfulness in Schools Project and is trained in the Learning to Breathe curriculum for adolescents. He provides mindfulness to a wide range of groups including the Marriott Corporation, American Association of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, various non-profits, therapists, lawyers, nurses, and groups in Israel and the West Bank.
Mick currently works as a psychotherapist in private practice and part-time at the American University Counseling Center and at the Wendt Center for Loss and Healing. He is also a mentor for the Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Training Program.
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